6 Courses Required

Efficient and effective grant management is crucial for organizations seeking funding to support their programs and initiatives. Full Grant Life-Cycle Management is a comprehensive approach to overseeing the entire process, from application submission to grant monitoring and evaluation. The Certificate Program consists of 6 primary content modules:

Module 1: Grant Lifecycle, Application and Submission
Module 2: Application Review and Evaluation
Module 3: Grant Approval and Disbursement
Module 4: Grant Monitoring and Compliance
Module 5: Reporting and Impact Assessment
Module 6: System Administration and Training



Serving as the curriculum developer for WCU’s Division of Educational Outreach’s Full Grant Life-Cycle Management Certificate Program, this course provides participants the understanding and ways to effectively managing the full grant lifecycle, organizations can ensure efficient and transparent grant processes, maximize impact with limited resources, build strong relationships with grantees, and uphold accountability to stakeholders and funders. Additionally, attending this program on Full Grant Life-Cycle Management will provide you with practical tools and strategies to optimize your grant management practices. You will learn how to use technology to streamline processes, track progress, and generate reports effectively. Moreover, you will gain insights into best practices for compliance, risk management, and performance measurement in grant management. Ultimately this leads to the success and sustainability of the organization's mission and impact in the communities you serve.

Learning Objectives: At the end of the program, you will:

  • Understand the components of the Grant Life-Cycle, Why Implementing full Grant Life-cycle Management is important, and Identify methods of implementing Grant Cycle Management Methodology.

  • Understand what a successful application looks like, by clearly addresses the grantor's priorities and objectives.

  • Learn how to effectively manage the grant life cycle and adhering to best practices in grant approval, disbursement, monitoring, and evaluation.

  • Learn how to successfully track the progress of funded projects, ensuring compliance with grant agreements, and identifying any issues or challenges that may arise during implementation.

  • Learn to utilize tools to ensure accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in the use of funds.

  • Learn what an appropriate system should be in place to administer grants and training that aid in Grants Management.

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Save money by enrolling in the Full Grant Life-Cycle Management Certificate program. Bundle pricing is available.

Certificate Price
Full Grant Life-Cycle Management Certificate : $799.00 Click here to get more information
Deadline to Start Last Course
Never expires
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